Saturday, March 17, 2007

Snow: mother nature's way of saying "go play outside"

I saw this billboard today in Minneapolis, and it reminded me that some of us may not be used to Minnesota winters. I remember when I started med school it was a slight issue for some people. There was that girl from south Florida who we never saw after the first day when the high was less than 20 below....I wonder what happened to her? The good news for us is that the bitter cold usually doesn't start until at least November, so we'll have some time to get settled in.

Anyway, to help, I've got a few references:

What should I wear? A clothing layer guide for every outdoor activity

Wikipedia article on frostbite

National Weather Service page on wind chill and cold weather

CDC's Extreme Cold: a prevention guide to promote your personal health and safety

But, like the billboard implied, the best way to survive the cold and snow is to enjoy it.

During the summer months, at least, I enjoy spending time on Lake Pepin, located 35 miles north east of Rochester. My wife took this picture, and it's not too far from where I proposed to her on the water.

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