Sunday, March 25, 2007

Favorite blogs, websites, etc

I'm curious what your favorite blogs and websites are. I was motivated to ask this since I recently stumbled across the wonderful blog of Paul Levy, CEO of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Mr. Levy is extremely open in discussing all sorts of issues, including how much he gets paid and how his hospital handles various measures of clinical quality (including posting actual rates of IHI VAP measures and central line infection rates). And he has openly asked students to post him questions, which I encourage you all to do.

In case you really want to know the answers: about a million dollars per year, around 90%, and about 3 per thousand catheter-days. To figure out which is which, you'll have to read the blog!

Know of a great blog or website? Share them with the "comments" link below!


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Andrew!

Andrew Calvin said...

Here's a site I've found useful if you don't mind some Pharma involvement: Merck Medicus. Particularly good, in my opinion, is the free access to Harrison's Practice which will also link you to full text Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine.

Andrew Calvin said...

Here's another interesting site: a collection of virtual java games, for when you need to kill (see, it's medically related) time. Sorry, but it's hard being done with med school and having nothing to do!