Saturday, March 17, 2007

Mortgage info

When I was at Mayo, one of the interns suggested Eagle Crest Capital Bank as a local place that is resident friendly with mortgages. My Realtor also suggested Eagle Crest, and specifically Donna Brown at 507-280-7204, 507-421-0548,

Note: I know nothing about mortgages, don't take my word for anything financially- or housing-related.


Jeff Geske said...

While I can't comment on Eagle Crest Capital Bank, I can highly recommend the loan officer that we've worked with to purchase 2 homes. His name is Bill Kenny. Contact info: 763.560.0334 or e-mail

Andrew Calvin said...

I talked with Donna Brown,Vice President of Eagle Crest Capital Bank, and her mortgage associate, Donnie Pierce (, 507-536-2425). Let me know if anybody wants their flier and I can email it out. The gist of the program is zero down, no PMI, 0.5% origination fee, for a total fee of about 2% (includes origination fee). The catch: they require you to have a checking account with them. They were very up front about wanting our personal banking business. Of course, don't take my word for anything financial or housing related.